Tag Archives: #civil war

‘Black Panther’ is another Marvel movie

5/10 It’s finally time for the first black superhero movie. Yeah, I know, Blade came first, but this is different! This is Marvel Studios! This is the machine! Blade isn’t really a full-blooded superhero, he’s a vampire hunter — back … Continue reading

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‘Winchester’s’ sharp story cut down by dull scares

5/10 Winchester is wonderfully written and pretty cleverly directed, but gets major points off for its technical problems. In 1906 San Francisco, psychologist Eric Price (Jason Clarke) has been driven to despair and drug abuse by his wife’s untimely death. … Continue reading

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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is a blast to watch and a blast to think about

9/10 Spider-Man: Homecoming is not the best Spider-Man movie, that’s still Spider-Man 2 and it’s always going to be Spider-Man 2. Homecoming may be the new favorite, however. After a thrilling debut in Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker (Tom … Continue reading

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Captain America: Actually, Quite Civil

Captain America: Civil War isn’t officially an Avengers movie, but I already wish they’d kept Joss Whedon to direct it. In many ways, Civil War is The Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 2. In the direct aftermath of that movie and the disaster in Sokovia, the New … Continue reading

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On Darkseid and the actual value of Easter eggs in movies

There’s an idea that’s been developing for the past few years in comedy around reference humor or call-out humor. Comedians — or film or television — will, in place of a joke, simply call out a title and hope that’s … Continue reading

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