Tag Archives: #tom holland

‘Onward’ made me very uncomfortable

5/10 Every movie, to one degree or another, mirrors the world it releases into – that’s the whole concept behind this blog. Some, like Ad Astra, are such clear and urgent cries about the anxieties of their time the subtext … Continue reading

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‘Current War’ electrifying, a systemically perfect film

10/10 The Current War was the last film Harvey Weinstein worked on, and consequently took a bit of a serpentine path to theaters. Weinstein, who is listed as a producer but not credited, had reportedly re-edited the movie despite producer … Continue reading

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‘Far From Home’ puts Spider-Man front and center of MCU

7/10 Is Spider-Man: Far From Home good as an individual, stand-alone movie? Eh, who cares. After going toe-to-toe with Captain America, being shot into outer space and turned into dust by a weirdly hot wannabe-nihilist with a scrotum on his … Continue reading

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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is a blast to watch and a blast to think about

9/10 Spider-Man: Homecoming is not the best Spider-Man movie, that’s still Spider-Man 2 and it’s always going to be Spider-Man 2. Homecoming may be the new favorite, however. After a thrilling debut in Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker (Tom … Continue reading

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Captain America: Actually, Quite Civil

Captain America: Civil War isn’t officially an Avengers movie, but I already wish they’d kept Joss Whedon to direct it. In many ways, Civil War is The Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 2. In the direct aftermath of that movie and the disaster in Sokovia, the New … Continue reading

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